My Cookbook Easy Recipes Released | Christine's Recipes: Easy Chinese Recipes | Delicious Recipes

My Cookbook Easy Recipes Released

by · 102 comments
Finally, my cookbook is officially released ! I’ve been feeling over the moon for the past two days. Right at the moment when I received my editor’s email telling me that all the printing job of my cookbook was finished, I almost yelled out, “Done!” I couldn’t express how I feel relieved and excited in words. My cookbook, titled 《簡易食譜──精選.易學.經典》Easy Recipes-A Selection of Simple Classics, will hit the shelves in Hong Kong bookshops in a few days.

Easy Recipes Cover

Since I got the book deal and secured the contract with my publisher, I started working days and nights, from drafting recipes, shopping for ingredients and cooking, taking photographs, writing articles together with translating recipes, it’s a long to-do list to get finished at the end of last year. Then, there had been countless, long chains of email exchange with my editor. Two months ago, I got a chance to go back to my hometown, Hong Kong, and conducted a face-to-face meeting with my editor and designer to finalize all the details. Looking back, over a year, the cookbook was indeed a labour of love by many wonderful people, not only me. I feel so blessed and happy to work with them.

Most importantly, without the support of you, my dear readers / fans, I couldn’t get this far. Many fans of my Chinese facebook fan page kept asking when my cookbook will be released. Sorry for the long wait. Thank you all for your patience.

As many of my fans are bilingual readers, some with friends who only read English, my cookbook is written in both Chinese and English. Here’s the detailed information.

The title of my cookbook is:
《簡易食譜──精選.易學.經典》 Easy Recipes - A Selection of Simple Classics (by Christine Ho)

How does this cookbook look like?
  • A selection of over 60 classic and delicious recipes, including breakfast, tea, main, soup and dessert.
  • To use the simple way to help recreate the traditional, homey and tasty dishes.
  • To walk you through the 7 Daily Necessities that Every Cook Should Know.
  • It’s written in Chinese-English, with clear, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.
There are 312 pages in total.

Cookbook_Easy Recipes Back Cover

You’ll find this cookbook designed with heaps of photos and know how exactly each dish looks like.

Cookbook_Easy Recipes_Hamburger

With detailed step-by-step instructions, and pictures side by side, you can follow at ease. For some recipes that call for unique ingredients, there’re pictures of them in order to help you source them.

Cookbook_Easy Recipes_Step by Step Instructions

Q. Where can I get this cookbook - 《簡易食譜──精選.易學.經典》 Easy Recipes-A Selection of Simple Classics?
A. If you’re living in Hong Kong, that’s easy and straight forward. You can get it from any bookshops in Hong Kong.

Q. I’m living overseas, like US, Canada, Australia, South East Asia or other countries except Hong Kong, how can I buy your cookbook?
A. It’s easy too. Overseas readers / fans can make use of the online service rendered by my publisher, Etpress 經濟日報出版社, and place your order on their official website.

Note: For those who read English, my publisher has created an English order page here where you'll find a shopping demo to help you understand how to go about placing your order.

Q. Can I get your cookbook in Malaysia or Singapore? (Remark: This is a question repeatedly asked by my fans from Malaysia on facebook.)
A. If you’re living in Malaysia, Singapore or any districts in South East Asia, and want to get your copy from nearby bookshops, you might like to approach the bookshop and ask for help. They’d order it from my publisher, Etpress 經濟日報出版社, once they realize there’s a need.

Again, heaps of thanks from the bottom of my heart to you all ! Happy cooking to everyone !

Updates (21 Sept. 2012):
As I received feedbacks from some readers/fans, knowing some of you who live overseas might have trouble getting my cookbook, hope the following links might help:


  1. congratulations! looks really good ... I see step-by-step photos and glad that it is written in Chinese-English.

  2. Congratulations Christine, I'm so excited for you!! I'm looking forward to getting my hands on your book.

  3. Congrats, Christine! Happy for you.
    Glad that English is available too..

  4. Fantastic! already asked my mum to get a few for me while she is in HK!

  5. Congrats Christine, hope one day we can find your cookbook here too:)

  6. Any plans to market it through amazon? Otherwise I'll have to enlist the help of friends in hong kong

  7. That's great news, Christine!! Congratulations!

  8. Great! I will go look for it in Sing or get a friend to purchase it for me in HK.

  9. congratulations this is amazing, can't wait to see it!

  10. Congratulations!

    I'm going to ask my relatives in Hong Kong to pick up a copy for me.

    I'm over the moon that this cookbook is in both English and Chinese. I'm always on the lookout for Chinese recipes, but I can't read Chinese!

  11. Congratulations! The cookbook sure looks awesome!
    Hope you are having a great week Christine :)

  12. Congrats! I hope they singapore bookstores will have them when I visit, I really want to continue cooking chinese recipes and with English I can! thank you very much for your hard work and dedication!

  13. Congratulations! So glad it's available in English! Will have to pick up a copy next time I'm in HK!

  14. Congratulation Christine! Love to share your excitement and happiness! I've read your cooking blog and recipes since I moved from Hong Kong to Australia a few years ago. Well done! Sure will get your new book from HK soon.

  15. Congrats, Christine! Enjoy the fruits of your hard labour.

  16. Malysian fan, JanetJune 24, 2012 at 8:07 AM

    Congratulations Christine! I'm so happy for you. No matter how I must have your book. I have been reading your blog and recipes ever since I get to know you.Thank you for sharing your passion all these years.

  17. Congratulations Christine - a cookbook that I am going to be buying after this comment to add to my collection - I already can tell it will be afavourite!

  18. Congratulations! I am going to get myself a copy of your book.

  19. I love your easy meals! I always keep already cooked meats around that I can toss into any recipe and make a new recipe! Your books are inspirational!

  20. Congratulations Christine! Happy for you.

  21. I just discovered your website, made your dumplings following your tutorial on youtube (you made it look so easy and mine didn't look as nice but tasted pretty good).

    Thank you for providing the english tutorial on ordering your book - I've placed my order and hope to see it arrive to me in Australia soon.

    Best wishes.

  22. Massive, massive congratulations - can't wait to buy your book.

  23. congratulations! Is it possible to see the table of contents anywhere please? I don't live in hong kong, so seeing the toc will be useful before making am online order. Thanks.

  24. Congratulations! I just found your website the other day and all of your recipes look delicious. I can't wait to try some of them!

  25. Congratulations Christine!

  26. Congras babe! The cookbook is finally out. I love the step by step photos. It seems so detailed. Love your work.

  27. Congratulations Christine!! I love your recipes a lot. I'm sure your cookbook must be full of gems. Love the step by step photos.

  28. My sister just got one from hong kong for and brought it all the way back to Canada for me!! It's an excellent book!! Thanks!!!

  29. Wow! congratulations! I am a big fan of your blog and I'm sure people are going to snatch up your book! Great job!
    It would be wonderful if I could get a hand of a copy from one of the Chinese bookstores in Vancouver. We have a huge Chinese population. I will inquire.

  30. Bought a copy, salesperson said lot of people buy this book. Delighted to see all the delicious food.

  31. congrats!!!! when r u coming to KL for a book signing event?

  32. @Anonymous:
    Thank you ! Don't have such plan yet, might think about it.

  33. Congratulations Christine! Congratulations on your bilingual cook book! Any book-signing ceremony in HK : )?

  34. Congratulations Christine, your recipes are a hit in our family. I hope your book is in English and I am looking forward to getting my hands on it.

  35. @Dheeraj
    Thank you for your love of my recipes ! My bookbook is written in both Chinese and English. You can place online order through my publisher's site here if you want.

  36. Hey Christine! I really want to purchase your book but I live overseas. I tried purchasing it online through your publisher but somehow I wasn't able to register. Is there any other way I could purchase it?

  37. @withlove*
    Thank you for your support.
    My publisher is busy with the large event, yearly Book Fair in Hong Kong. So they will resume the online order service after 30 July. Sorry for any inconvenience.

  38. I have bought your book through my relative in HK and within next week I'll be able to try on the fabulous recipes

  39. @Dewi Oni:
    Great to know that you bought my cookbook. Thanks for your support!

  40. u have fans all the way from Singapore!
    We had a fren carry at least 20 of your books from HKG back for us. :D

  41. @Little Tricia:
    Aw, 20 copies of my cookbook! That's very heavy. Am so touching by this message. Thank you for your support!

  42. Will definitely get one in HK!!!

  43. Congratulation!
    I'm your regular reader, try some of your nice recipes and very happy with it, surely will buy your book

  44. i have placed my order and looking forward to more baking with you....thank you. Shipping will take sometime, but it is worth waiting for it....

  45. Hi Christine

    I will be going to Hong Kong in about 2 weeks time for only 2 days only. I will be staying at Tshimshatsui area. I would love to get your book and would appreciate if you could kindly let me know if there is any bookstore at tat area.


  46. @Caroline Foo:
    Just searched and found this group page that have got a small list of bookstores at Tshimshatsui.
    Hope it helps.

  47. Congratulations! I will visit hong kong in October and pick up a few copies. Thanks for the great work!


  48. Went to Hong Kong last month and I bought two copies. I saw them on display in many bookstores, some with 10% discount. Really not expensive for such a nice cookbook!

  49. I live in Vancouver BC in Canada, and I followed the instructions above to purchase the book and I just received my copy!!! So exciting :)

  50. I miss my mom's home cooking and I'm so excited to see you have created very similar dishes. Just ordered the book from YESASIA.COM
    This was a much easier website to deal with a full English Translation.
    Congrats and Thank you,

    1. Thank you, Kim.
      Glad that you could find a way to order your copy.

  51. Hi Christine! Am from the Philippines, and finally got your cookbook in the mail today. It was worth waiting for it. I just love it and the recipes are easy to follow. Thank you and wishing you more success!

    1. Hi Ginavi,
      Thanks so much for your support. :)
      Glad that you love my recipes. Happy cooking !

  52. finally got my cookbook in the mail!!!! so happy...thanks Christine for such wonderful recipes.

  53. Cogratulation fro your book.
    I woner if I could get a hand of it, I live in switzerland, I wish to have this book as well. Thank you

    1. Thank you Lc.
      Guess that the best way for you is to order online, might get your copy from my publisher's site (they put up an english shopping demo), or this site created in english.

  54. I asked my father who lives in HK to buy it for me (I live in Canada). It was sold out in a lot of places. It is a lovely cookbook and you've packed so much into it, it is great value! My husband loves the eggplant recipe!

    1. Love to hear about the news about my cookbook selling in Hong Kong. Thanks for your heads up.
      My husband also loves the eggplant dish. What a coincidence!

  55. Hello Christine!

    I'm so going to HK to get your cookbook too! So excited!

    1. Aw, so happy for you that you can get back to Hong Kong. Enjoy your trip.
      A big thank-you for your support.

  56. definately, i will order english one. Congrats Christine. I love your bakery, so yummy. I have tried many and turned it well.

    1. Thanks so much for your love of my recipes.
      My cookbook is written in both Chinese and English.

  57. My copy finally came (had it shipped by sea since it's cheaper)! I tried a few of the recipes and they're simple and great! I've always love your recipes since they're simplified and the ingredients can be easily found around where I live (a somewhat remote city in US). I actually order an extra one for my Americanized Chinese friend. She tried the orange ribs and really likes it :)

    1. So nice to receive your comment and glad that you like my cookbook.
      Happy cooking !

  58. Hi Christine,

    Received your book few days ago and love the recipes. Tried the paper wrapped cupcake yesterday and has a small question... Is the top of the cake supposed to shrink when it's out of the oven. The cake itself will also shrink on the sides? Love the taste but need to improve the appearance as it didn't look very appealing after it shrank. I didn't have the baking cups so I use my Corelle teacup but I am glad I had finally learned how to line the cup!

    1. Hi dc,
      Thanks for your support of my cookbook. :)
      This cup cake, similar to chiffon cake, has a tendency to shrink once removed from oven. If it doesn't shrink too much, it's normal.

  59. Hi Christine,

    I am interested to get ur cookbook, is it selling in Singapore?


    1. Sorry, no idea of where you can get your copy in Singapore. You might like to try the online order from the links I posted on this blog.
      Thanks for your support. :)

    2. Hi! U can actually order from kinokuniya bookstores!

  60. hello! i live in France and i'd like to buy your book but i don't read chinese, i tried with the english version but i don't know how to order!
    PS: i loooove your reciepes!!!!

    1. Thank you for your love of my recipes !
      Have you tried this English online bookstore? The site is a bit slow, so you need tons of patience.

  61. Hi Any chance of this book available as an ebook? I'd love to have it for my Kindle.

    1. No idea up to now. But I'll sort it out with my publisher later.

      Thanks for your interest in my cookbook.

  62. hi Christine, thank u so much for sharing your recipes.looking forward to try them.

    1. Thanks for your love of my recipes.
      Happy cooking !

  63. Hi auntie Christine..i love your recipes. may i to get ur "Easy Recipes" book in Singapore bookstore . On Desember 2013, i'll go to Singapore. Could you help me to inform the bookstore that i'll get n buy ur lovely cooking book. Please inform me immediately. Thanks auntie...

    1. Sorry, I have no idea where you can get your copy in Singapore.
      Or you might try online order via the links on this post.

    2. Hi, Ms.Christine, the link for online store is not available anymore? Any idea how to get a copy online?

    3. Just checked every online store link on this post again. They all work. Please try again.

    4. You might try the one on eBay.
      Click the photo of my cookbook and you'll get the "Buy it now" link there.

  64. Where can get a.copy in alor setar.kedah

  65. HIe Christine, I will be in Hong Kong in few days time.. and I am wondering whether the recipe book will be still available? Where in HK can i get it? I be staying at TaiKoo.

    1. Hi Apple,
      Many large bookstores in HK carry my cookbook, like The Commercial Press (商務印書館), Eslite (誠品書店), Joint Publishing HK (三聯書店). Call them before dropping in to save your time.

      Thanks for your support. Have a nice trip !

  66. I just bought your book at HK airport! Loving it! Thanks for your recipes! Keep up with your good work!

  67. hi im megan, I would love to buy your cook book, how can i get it in English?

    1. Hi, thanks for your interest in getting my cookbook.
      My cookbook is written in both English and Chinese. You can order your copy through the links provided on this post.

  68. Hi, all of the links are sold out. How else can I purchase a copy?

    1. Hi,
      First of all, thanks for your love and support of my cookbook.
      My cookbook is out of print. So sorry. I have no idea where you can get a copy.

  69. Such great books! I've bought these 2 books in Hong Kong 2 years ago. Are you planning to release a new book? If so, I'll be looking forward to it!

  70. Hi there,
    Thanks for your love and support of my two cookbooks. I don't have any plan yet up to this moment. If there's any new book plan, I'll certainly announce it on this site and on my facebook fan page.
    Please drop by any time if you like.

    1. hello, can i still buy these 2 books and where from please?
